Fast quality control of Wet Pet Food with the SpectraAlyzer MEAT

Fast quality control of Wet Pet Food with the SpectraAlyzer MEAT
March 5, 2018 ZEUTEC


Fast quality control of Wet Pet Food with the SpectraAlyzer MEAT

In meat processing, the SpectraAlyzer MEAT enables fast multicomponent analysis of important parameters such as water, fat, protein and ash content within a few seconds. Thus, the production process can be closely monitored by analysing samples from any stage of production – without sample preparation and the use of reagents or other consumables.

The immediately available, precise quality information enables better process control and thus a higher product yield with consistently good product quality. Whether you want to determine the quality of the delivered raw material or the individual production batches – the SpectraAlyzer MEAT provides you with the information you need immediately.

Animal feed (wet pet food) products with a water content of up to 85%, a protein content of less than 2% or a wide range of ash contents can be tested with the measuring device validated within the German Food and Feed code L 06.00-64 § 64LFGB (ASU L 08.00-60) and accredited for routine use. The production process can thus be optimized under technological and economic aspects.

The robust design of the analyser allows flexible installation both in the laboratory and directly in the production process, where temperature fluctuations, humidity, dust and shocks have no effect on the accuracy and long-term stability of the measurements.

Thanks to the integrated web server, the analytical values, batch protocols and trend charts are immediately available in the company’s own network – and, if desired, directly in the Cloud or on production servers for further processing or visualization!

On top of that, the SpectraAlyzer MEAT is a very cost-effective analyser system. The ZEUTEC “Rent your Lab” initiative shows attractive leasing conditions which can be customized to your needs.

Further information at:, or Tel .: + 49-4331-136650.

Visit us at Anuga FoodTec: Hall: 5.1 Stand: D011

ZEUTEC Opto-Elektronik GmbH, Friedrich-Voß-Straße 11, 24768 Rendsburg, Germany
Tel.: +49-4331-136650  Fax: +49-4331-136651